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What Are The 5 Things Dance Really Teaches Us & How Do We Overcome It?

You love to dance, right? How amazing is it to get on stage and show a dance that you’ve been working on FOREVER to an appreciative audience? It doesn’t get better than that, for real. But, if we are being totally honest, if all we are doing is spending months and months on ONE dance, then we have totally missed the point of what dance is REALLY about. So let’s count it off…5 things dance really teaches us!

Have the Standard Rules of Dance Classroom Etiquette Changed

Etiquette inside and outside of the classroom in 2019 is so much more than what it once was. With the introduction of all kinds of technology, we have to be ...

21 Things To NEVER Do In Dance Class

Yes, there are things to do and things to not od, and things, to never do in dance class. Can you get guess all 21 of them?

It’s Competition Season | Your Score Does Not Determine Your Value

Chances are, you probably have a dance competition coming up and you may be feeling a little anxious about it. That’s totally understandable and the nerves and anxiety you may be feeling are completely normal.

Stay Centered During Competition Chaos

Competition season can be a super stressful time of year. You’ve probably got additional rehearsals, longer nights at the studio, practicing your solo any ch...

Expanding Your Horizons

You are unsure what the future holds, but you know you want to be dancing because it is your passion. You also know that the dance world is highly competitive in terms of professional careers. However, you also know that there is a spot for everyone in the dance world. So, how do you expand your horizons and future in the dance world?

Making Time For Family

Rehearsals, class, competitions, recitals...your spring is shaping up to be the busiest one yet! Does your calendar even have a blank space?!?! Being a dancers means being super busy, but it also means you don’t get to experience a lot of family time either. Yet for many dancers, family is one of their priorities in life, so how do you make time for family in a busy schedule? Here are some of MTD's top tips:

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