Do you ever just sit back and watch something unfold before you that you've seen or done over and over again? And no matter how many times it happens, you conjure up the same reaction? Well, whether it's waiting hours on end for judges results or smiling through a technically insane routine, More Than Dancers can relate. So, check out some of the top dance related reactions we can ALL relate to.
1. When you’re waiting for awards to start.

2. When you watch someone do ten pirouettes.

3. When you see a dancer in the Novice category do a quad into an aerial.

4. When the choreo is way too hard and your teacher says, “smile!”

5. When your friend says, “OMG we’re on stage NEXT” and you thought you had at LEAST another 30 minutes to get ready.

6. When you’re sick so you have to sit out and watch rehearsal.

7. When your teacher tells you that you have a 30-second costume change…AND you have to put on your pointe shoes.

8. When your alarm goes off the Monday morning after competition weekend.

9. When you’re waiting for the competition to release their schedule.

10. When you watch Michaela DePrince.