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5 Tips that Will Guarantee You Increase the Height of Your Jumps

Here are some pointers for increasing the height of your jumps and leaps.

Technique: Finding The Extra Turn

So, how do you get the balance and power to get more turns? We asked some teachers for tips, and here is what they had to say...

5 Tips for Learning Choreography Quickly

Picking up choreography is very important for dancers For some it comes easy and for others, it can often be difficult Here are 5 tips to learn choreography

Technique: How to Find a Higher Relevé

As dancers, our feet are one of the tools necessary for the job. So, we are always working on strengthening and stretching our feet. One thing almost all dancers desire is a higher relevé. But how do you get a higher relevé? Here are MTD tricks on getting a higher relevé.

How to improve your dance turns. Here’s 5 Tips To Fix your Turn Technique

How do I improve my turns? We gave you the tools to improve your core & now we are giving you the steps to better your turns.

3 Tips to Improve Your Leaps

Watching a dancer fly through the air in a grand jeté or execute the perfect split leap makes everyone in the audience gasp. It’s amazing to watch an explosive leap, and as a dancer, it is the perfect move to display grace and technique. Because of this, improving leaps is important to dancers at every level of their dance journey. Read on for three ways to improve your leaps.

Are You Advancing Your Turns Too Fast? Here’s 5 Tips To Fix your Technique

We gave you the tools to improve your core & now we are giving you the steps to better your turns. Source: WWW.THEVERGE.COM 1. You ready? One of the worst th...

2 Exercises to Improve Your Pointe

Dancer’s toes help create nice lines. Toes are like a candle on a cake—they can make or break the party! Sometimes dancers tend to “claw” their toes (grippin...

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