9 Things Dancers Should Consider Doing Before Going To Bed
After dancing for hours on end, it’s pretty obvious dancers are going to get exhausted at some point and want a break. However, before hopping into bed, there are a few things dancers might need to do first.
- Get something to eat.
We understand dancers get tired, but it’s important to eat something before hitting the hay. You don’t want to wake up in the middle of the night to grab a midnight snack and risk waking everyone up!

- Wipe off your makeup.
This one is more for when you get back from a competition. Make sure to clean off your makeup so it doesn’t get all over your bed.

- Take a shower.
There should be no explanation here. You were just dancing for hours!

- Set your alarm.
If you have school the next day, then this one might suck. However, remember to set your alarm or turn it on so you don’t risk waking up late and missing school, unless you’re homeschooled. Then you wake up whenever you want.

- Post on social media.
Okay, this one is more optional. But if you didn’t post about it, did it really happen?

- Put your clothes away properly.
Whether you need to hang your costume back up or put your dance clothes in the laundry, just do it! You can thank us later.

- Have clothes for your next class.
Since you just put your clothes in the laundry, go grab new clothes to put in your dance bag. You don’t want to show up to dance without the proper attire!

- Relax.
It’s going to be harder to unwind and get to sleep if your mind is racing from everything that happened at dance.

- Go to sleep!
We understand you could talk for hours about that competition or how fun that dance class was, but you need to sleep at some point. Remember, the longer you’re up, the less sleep you’re going to get.

Sometimes we wish our makeup would magically disappear, or that we could wave a wand and have our clothes ready for the next day. Sadly, technology has yet to get to that point. What steps do you forget to do after dance or a competition? And make sure to follow our Instagram: @more_than_dancers for more relatable dance content.
By: AJ (Intern)