My name is Zoey Chew, 14, and I live in San Francisco. I dance at City Ballet SF.


Can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.

I first got put in ballet because I would not stop dancing around during my soccer practice. My mom and dad both had a background in dance, so they were really happy to see that I loved it as much as they did. I've been to numerous studios trying to see which ones fit for me and would allow me to grow as a dancer. As a young girl, I would watch ballets like Giselle, Coppelia, Swan Lake, and of course, the Nutcracker. Something about the way every dancer had a character they had to portray was so fascinating to me. 2 years ago, I had the wonderful opportunity to play Clara at my studio's Nutcracker. I would definitely say this was a turning point for me in dance. It was so magical being able to perform while telling stories through my movement in front of an audience. Getting Clara pushed me to continue working for my goals despite the hardships that would come my way. Today, I continue to push myself and give each ballet class my 100%.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?

Absolutely not! My dance journey had definitely had some rough patches along the way. I have had so many people doubt me throughout my dance journey that have caused me to give up sometimes. But I just have to remember how I am working for myself and not for anyone else.

Photographer: @jalexbrinson

What personal limitations if any did you go through in your young career?

I wasn't born with the typical standards for ballet. My feet and my body are not flexible at all. My biggest struggle right now would be my turnout.

Has anybody ever tried to limit you on what you could do? If so how did you fight it?

Of course! I've had teachers, classmates, and other parents tell me that I would never make it. It's hard, but you have to realize there will always be people out there trying to put you down. Some battles are not worth fighting.

How do you conquer negative talk?

Ignore them. If they don't have anything nice to say, then they shouldn't say it.

Photographer: @jalexbrinson

What is your favorite quote?

"Practice makes improvement, not perfect" - Author Unknown

So, what’s next? Any big plans?

I'm really excited to start summer intensive at my studio! I want to work as hard as I can and improve too.

Aug 3, 2021

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