How Many Hours Do Dancers Dance In A Week?
Some dancers only take a few hours of dance per week. They enjoy it and it’s a great way to stay active. However, some dancers want it to be a career. So how many hours would a professional dancer spend dancing per week? We’ll give you the answers from our dance community, then we’ll tell you how many hours paid professionals spend dancing.
- Maybe 20? Totally depends on the week!
- Around 20-25 hours.
- Almost 30. ❤️
Wow, that’s a lot of hours! But how long does a paid professional dance for? Well, according to our research (in this case ballet), a professional dancer dances for…
About 10 hours per day!
What do you think? Could you dance for over 50 hours a week? Of course, these are professionals, so they don’t have school to worry about. What other dance-related questions do you have? And shout-out to our awesome dance community for helping contribute to this article:
Sources used:
By: AJ (Intern)