Top 5 Exercises dancers Need for Full Split Leaps
Raise your hand if you’re desperate for a full split leap (or even over split) in the air?
I'm hoping your hand shot right up!
It's googled over and over again and there are whole Youtube channels dedicated to getting dancers in a full split when they take off from the floor.
If you feel like you have great technique, that's incredible, but do you have the strength and flexibility to hang in the air long enough to hit the full split?
Here are the top 5 exercises dancers need for full split leaps:
- Low Back Twist
- Wall Sit Jumps
- Turn out Drill
- Narrow Squat Pulse
- Split Lunge Jump
Let break each ones down and illustrate.

Low Back Twist
Warming up your low back is essential for hamstring flexibility
- Sit with your legs extended forward.
- Cross your right foot over your left thigh.
- Extend your left arm on the outside of the right knee.
- Inhale.
- When you exhale, twist your torso to the right and place your right hand next to your right hip to hold the stretch.
- Allow your head to follow your body to the right.
- Repetitions: Hold for 30 – 60 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Wall Sit Jumps
Strengthen your ankles and entire leg while training explosive power.
• With your low back pushed up against the wall and knees at a 90 degree angle, push off of the wall to jump as high as you can.
• Rolling through the feet on the way up and down.
- Repetitions and Modifications: Return to the wall and repeat 8-10 reps.

Turn out Drill
Hips can't open to a full split without turnout!
• On your back with your feet together and legs extended straight from your hips at a 90 degree angle, turn your feet out to first position, and return parallel.
- Repetitions and Modifications:Repeat 15-20 reps

Narrow Squat Pulse
Strengthens the quads for long lines and power
- Starting with your feet together, rise into relevé and forced arch.
- Squeeze your knees together and keep the heels high.
- Repetitions and Modifications:Slowly pulse with control for 10-12 reps.

Split Lunge Jump
Strengthens the glutes, ankles, core and entire leg
- Begin in a lunge position
- Bend both knees and jump off the floor
- Switch feet while in the air
- Land in a lunge position on the other foot
- Repetitions and Modifications: Repeat 10 – 12 times
- [+] Hold a weight and increase jump height
- [-] Leave feet on the floor and do stationary lunge
If you have time to do this workout before class, do each exercise once. If you have time to do this workout on your own time you can repeat up to three times!