
Dance Student Spotlight: Sydney Richardson

Meet Sydney Richardson, and she is 18 years old. She is based in Hawthorne, CA and is an independent dancer. She started her own dance company Company 17, while a junior in high school.

What Are You Most Excited About This Dance Season?

Dance season is starting up again! (Unless you were doing summer intensives.) But a new dance season means learning new routines and making new friends! So we reached out to our dance community and asked them what they are most most excited about this dance season. Here’s what they had to say!

Dance Student Spotlight: Regina Turrubiates

Meet Regina Turrubiates. She is 12 years old. She is from Mexico, and her studio is Volare Academia De Danza. She has learned that even the people that you love and trust the most can betray you.

7 Surprising Activities That May Be Damaging Your Skin

Make sure you look your best on stage by taking care of your skin every day! Here are seven surprising activities that may be damaging your skin.

6 Tips For Having A Great Dance Year

If it is your first time taking dance classes this year and you’re nervous, that’s completely normal! However, if you are looking for ways to make this the best dance year yet (and relieve some nerves), we got you covered! We reached out to our dance community for advice they would give to someone starting dance this year. Here is their advice!

Dance Student Spotlight: Lyrik Jude

Meet Lyrik Jude, and she is 10 years old. She lives in Oro-Medonte, Ontario. She has celiac disease, and therefore she can get knocked down on any random day if she eats the wrong thing.

Dance Student Spotlight: Ava Riegle

Meet Ava Riegle, and she is 12 years old. She lives in Yorktown, Indiana and she dances at Dazzle Dance. One thing that has been a struggle for her is balancing school and dance.

Dance Student Spotlight: Aubri Parker

Meet Aubri Parker, 14, and she lives in Frisco, Texas. She dances at Cary Ballet Conservatory. At one point, she did not have the mental desire to continue in ballet, but she was able to find her passion and love for ballet again.