
Making Time For Family

Rehearsals, class, competitions, recitals...your spring is shaping up to be the busiest one yet! Does your calendar even have a blank space?!?! Being a dancers means being super busy, but it also means you don’t get to experience a lot of family time either. Yet for many dancers, family is one of their priorities in life, so how do you make time for family in a busy schedule? Here are some of MTD's top tips:

Wellness: Keeping Your Body Healthy During Flu Season

The holiday season may be over, but one thing that has not left for the season is the flu. Between competitions, auditions, and classes, you can’t afford to get sick. So, what are ways that you can keep your body healthy and protected this flu season? Here are some MTD tips:

Making Your Social Media Presentable

Tik Tok, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc… we all have some form of social media. It is a great way to stay connected with friends and to network with others. Additionally, it means that anonymity no longer exists. Many employers, universities, and programs use social media to screen their applicants. For this reason, it is important to make your social media presentable. Here are MTD's top tips on creating a positive social media profile.

Things Your Mom Always Says | Dancer Edition

LOVE our moms, but sometimes.... sometimes... Alright… here are 15 things your dance Mom always says…

How to Dance Outside the Dance Studio

Dance is your passion, and you would love to dance all day long. But what do you do on those days the studio is closed or you don’t have class? How do you get your dancing fix for the day? Here are five ways to stay dancing outside the studio.

How to Improve Communication With Your Peers

Outside of the dance studio, communication with your peers can sometimes be difficult. Here are 5 tips on how to improve communication with your peers.

How to set dance goals for the new year

A New Year signifies a new beginning and a time to reflect and set new goals for the next year. Sometimes setting goals can be difficult and even daunting, but having goals focuses your energy and encourages success. Here are some of MTD favorite tips on setting achievable goals.

Technique: Improve Your Improv Skills

Okay, we admit it, we have a love and hate relationship with improv. We love the freedom, creativity, and rawness of improv, but those moments when your brain goes into a freeze can cause a sour taste towards improv. Like any technique of dance, improv takes practice before it becomes second nature. Here are some dance technique tips on how to improve your Improv Dance Skills.